Thinking Boldy



Our curriculum delivers our mission by liberally educating our students as independent learners, problem solvers, critical thinkers, and capable readers and writers. It caters for a wide variety of the educational needs of our students. Our academic offering includes but is not limited to the following:

Agricultural Science

The study of farming, including soil cultivation, crop production, and livestock management, aimed at improving the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural practices

Allied Arts

Encompass various creative disciplines such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, and drama, which work in harmony to enhance and complement each other within the broader context of artistic expression.


Explores the principles, practices, and complexities of running and managing a business, including topics like finance, marketing, operations, and entrepreneurship.


Examines the English language, its literature, and various forms of written and spoken communication, including analysis, interpretation, and creative expression.

Home Economics

Managing and improving household and community well-being through skills in cooking, nutrition, budgeting, child development, and family relationships.

Industrial technology

Focused on the application of engineering and manufacturing technology to improve production efficiency, processes, and products in industries.

Information Technology

Encompass the design, development, and management of computer systems, software, and networks to store, process, and transmit information efficiently and securely.


The exploration of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns, using logical reasoning and analytical techniques to solve problems and understand the underlying principles of the universe.

Modern Language

Focus on the acquisition, analysis, and practical use of contemporary languages, including their grammar, vocabulary, cultural contexts, and literary traditions.


The systematic exploration of the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis to understand the principles and laws governing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena.

Social Studies

The interdisciplinary study of human society, exploring historical, geographical, political, economic, and cultural contexts to understand social dynamics and inform civic responsibility.

Education with Results

As a public school, the academic programme follows the guidelines established by the Ministry of Education and prepares students to take the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) examinations.

The General Secondary School provides a more academic based programme leading to the CXC Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and the CXC Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exam (CAPE).

It takes an average student five years to be prepared for the CSEC and an additional two years to complete the CAPE Units.
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